Automated Completion of Statements and Proofs in Synthetic Geometry: an Approach based on Constraint Solving

Salwa Tabet Gonzalez
(University of Strasbourg )
Predrag Janičić
(University of Belgrade )
Julien Narboux
(University of Strasbourg )

Conjecturing and theorem proving are activities at the center of mathematical practice and are difficult to separate. In this paper, we propose a framework for completing incomplete conjectures and incomplete proofs. The framework can turn a conjecture with missing assumptions and with an under-specified goal into a proper theorem. Also, the proposed framework can help in completing a proof sketch into a human-readable and machine-checkable proof. Our approach is focused on synthetic geometry, and uses coherent logic and constraint solving. The proposed approach is uniform for all three kinds of tasks, flexible and, to our knowledge, unique such approach.

In Pedro Quaresma and Zoltán Kovács: Proceedings 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction in Geometry (ADG 2023), Belgrade, Serbia, 20-22th September 2023, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 398, pp. 21–37.
Published: 22nd January 2024.

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