A Kripke Semantics for Hajek's BL

Andrew Lewis-Smith
(University of Sheffield)

We provide a generalisation of Kripke semantics for Petr Hajek's Basic Logic and prove soundness and completeness of the same with respect to our semantics. We find this semantics easily specialises to the linearly-ordered Kripke frames for Godel-Dummett logic, which BL properly contains. Our soundness, deduction theorem and completeness arguments further strengthen this analogy. This paper extends the insights of our previous paper, "A Kripke Semantics for Intuitionistic Lukasiewicz logic," to the case of Hajeks' BL.

In Michael Moortgat and Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh: Proceedings Modalities in substructural logics: Applications at the interfaces of logic, language and computation (AMSLO 2023), Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 7-8, 2023, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 381, pp. 20–31.
Published: 7th August 2023.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.381.4 bibtex PDF
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