On Imperfect Recall in Multi-Agent Influence Diagrams

James Fox
Matt MacDermott
Lewis Hammond
Paul Harrenstein
Alessandro Abate
Michael Wooldridge

Multi-agent influence diagrams (MAIDs) are a popular game-theoretic model based on Bayesian networks. In some settings, MAIDs offer significant advantages over extensive-form game representations. Previous work on MAIDs has assumed that agents employ behavioural policies, which set independent conditional probability distributions over actions for each of their decisions. In settings with imperfect recall, however, a Nash equilibrium in behavioural policies may not exist. We overcome this by showing how to solve MAIDs with forgetful and absent-minded agents using mixed policies and two types of correlated equilibrium. We also analyse the computational complexity of key decision problems in MAIDs, and explore tractable cases. Finally, we describe applications of MAIDs to Markov games and team situations, where imperfect recall is often unavoidable.

In Rineke Verbrugge: Proceedings Nineteenth conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2023), Oxford, United Kingdom, 28-30th June 2023, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 379, pp. 201–220.
Published: 11th July 2023.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.379.17 bibtex PDF
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